Rugby League Benevolent Fund

Rugby League Benevolent Fund

The RL Benevolent Fund is a charity that provides assistance to players, and the family of players who have suffered life-changing injuries playing Rugby League.

The sport is safer now than at any time in its history but sadly, as with all contact sports, accidents do happen. And when they do, the Benevolent Fund is there to offer lifelong support.

The charity has 20 former players on its full-time register and each year works with around 40 other people who have experienced serious injuries playing the game they love.

In recent years, these have included the families of Ronan Costello, Evan Hawksworth and Danny Jones, who all lose their lives while playing Rugby League, as well as many other players whose journey through the darkest chapters of their lives have been helped by the Benevolent Fund.

Like all charities, the RL Benevolent Fund is heavily reliant on  the fundraising activities of individuals and organisations: for more information on how to donate and details on the work of the charity please visit

RL Cares is aware that players can encounter difficult issues once they retire: if you are a former player who needs help or advice, please get in touch with us. We may be able to help and anything you discuss with us and we will respect your privacy at all times.