Playing Community

The game’s most important stakeholders, its players, are at the heart of much of our work and we are grateful for the support of so many members of the playing community.

Hundreds of players have received training and education grants from us to help with their transition out of the sport at the end of their careers, and we always appreciate it when our support is acknowledged.

Lots of people are aware of our sterling work and we encourage players to support what we do by helping raise awareness of the charity.

We are always looking for current and former players to join us as Rugby League Cares ambassadors, which usually involves making one or two personal appearances each year (we know how busy you all are!).

Players can also raise awareness by following us on Twitter and liking our Facebook page – retweets and shared posts are important ways of letting people know what we do.

If you are a player and would like to find out more about what you can do to support us, please get in touch.